Charter Debate on Nonpartisan Elections
Below you will find a copy-paste of what I sent to my fellow members on the Charter Review Commission for their consideration as we...
Nerk Informer
As always, the School Board still hasn’t published the minutes of their most recent meeting. This week I ordered some campaign material...
Nerk Informer
I’m preparing for tonight’s first charter commission meeting at 5pm, so here are the documents you likely came for (ha ha): This Week’s...
Nerk Informer
Since I have a family emergency – which will prevent me from attending tonight’s council and school board meetings -, I will be brief:...
Just a moment ago I was appointed by Newark City Council to serve as one of the five members on the 2017 Charter Review Commission. You...
Nerk Informer
You may not be surprised to learn that the School Board didn't post any documentation for the recent special meeting they held. Anyways,...