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A Letter to Democrats

Dear Democrats,

I wanted to reach out to you just for a moment, if will grant me a small slice of your time. As you ponder my candidacy, you are probably wondering to yourself “why should I vote for Daniel? He’s been too harsh on the Democratic Party.” Yes, as you look through my website, blog posts, and social media comments, you will see that I left the Democratic Party in 2020 out of anger. I haven’t had the nicest things to say about the party or our Democratic President. Even before I left the Party, I was very vocal in criticizing it, even when I was an elected officer in the Licking County Democratic Club, serving as Second Vice President in 2016.

If you will allow me to ease any fears you may have about my agenda, I wanted to let you know that we likely agree on far more than we disagree:

I’m Pro-Choice.

I’m Pro-Gun Reform.

I’m Pro-LGBT+.

I’m Pro-Living Wage.

I’m Pro-Union.

I’m Pro-Infrastructure Modernization.

I’m Pro-Fair Taxation.

I’m Pro-Police Reform.

I’m Pro-Universal Public Education (from Preschool through College).

I’m Pro-Medicare for All (and am willing to listen to all common sense solutions to insure all Ohioans).

I’m Pro-Environment (Including fighting pollution and climate change).

I’m VERY Pro-Democracy.

And that is just a short list of everything I want to say. For the sake of saving you an hour-long read, I will leave you with saying that if I am elected, I will caucus with the Democrats in the Ohio House of Representatives and will fight tirelessly to make sure that the working class, minorities, teachers, students, parents, and immigrants (among many other groups) are heard each and every day!

I hope that you can find it in yourself to support this campaign. Feel free to share this in any way that you can. Donate, if possible. Spread the word.

Also, remember to write-in “Daniel Crawford” for Ohio House District 68 on November 8th!

Thank you for your time.


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