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Nerk Informer

It is now 2019 and we have a big year ahead of us. Soon, we will find out who all of our local candidates to choose from will be and I intend to be one of them in the campaign for the three council at-large seats. As part of shifting gears to dedicate as much of my free time as possible to campaigning I will be slightly changing how this regular update is presented. Before, I would directly share the links to each local body’s agendas and minutes. Now, so that I have more time to focus on canvassing, I will have a permanent link shared for you to find the relevant documents. If you need help navigating the websites linked, please let me know.

As of this moment, I have 68 or the 100 signatures I am hoping to turn in ahead of the February filing deadline. I’ve knocked on approximately 200-250 doors so far and look forward to hitting up to 150 more by the end of this week (weather permitting). I will be in attendance at Council tonight, and plan on giving brief remarks related to the recent incident involving our Chief of Police and the school bus. Looks like the full council meeting could be a very short one with only a single piece of legislation on the agenda. I’m sure the State of the City Address will either be tonight or in two weeks.

Here are this week’s documents:

This Week’s Meetings

Full Council



Stay Tuned…

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I look forward to getting your input and answering any questions you might have.

If you would like to make a donation to my campaign, send me a message, give me a call at 740-349-1824, or click the "donate" button!


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Notice: I will not accept contributions from any Corporate Political Action Committees (PACs). Moreover, each contributor - whether an individual or a PAC - may not send any more than $3,000 throughout the course of a single campaign (read here how and why this limit has changed). This is to level the playing field so as to ensure that all potential donors may stand on equal footing and to make sure that I am equally accountable to all. Make checks payable to "Citizens for Daniel Crawford".

Additional notice: PACs MUST contribute by way of a check. I will accept nothing else.

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