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The Weekly Informer (2/19/16)

On Tuesday, February 16th, 2016, at 7pm, the following transpired:

Councilman Curtis Johnson (5th Ward) was absent.

Under the first section for citizens’ comments:

William Butcher made some comments praising city street workers for plowing the roads. Again, pleads with the city to get on the ball in repairing the streets; especially the potholes.

On to the legislation (descriptions as seen at my facebook page):

1) Resolutions (2nd Reading): a. No. 16-08: permitting Mayor Hall to apply for an Ohio EMS Training and Equipment Grant from the Ohio Department of Public Safety (to help with fiscal year 2016-2017 funding).*.

Result: Marmie motions, seconded by Floyd, no discussion. Passes 9-0.

b. No. 16-10: for the downtown project on sewer separation, allowing Service Director Rhodes to secure a supplemental water pollution control loan. Result: Rath motions, seconded by Cost, no discussion. Passes 9-0.

c. No. 16-11: permitting Mayor Hall to apply for a Community Housing Improvement Grant from the Ohio Development Services Agency. Result: Marmie motions, seconded by Floyd, no discussion. Passes 9-0.

d. No. 16-12: another money-spending measure: Service Director Rhodes says that this is a request to allow him to spend "unspent" money previously allocated by Council. * Authorizes expenditure of $10,000 for "Building Maintenance" of a city-owned house (with most of the money going to fixing a "dead" roof). * Authorizes expenditure of $5,000 for "Land Improvements". When asking for the latter expenditure in committee, Director Rhodes said: "The $5,000 is for down at the new parking lot that was built between the Fire Station and the Police Station. We want to put a sidewalk between the parking lot that leads to the Fire Station and we also want to put a gate in the fence of the Police Station."

Result: After an odd and confusing pause Marmie motions, seconded by Bubb, no discussion (though a slight commotion can be heard as the roll call proceeds). Passes 9-0.

2) Resolutions (1st Reading): a. No. 16-13: spending money, with a request to vote on this at the present meeting: * Transferring $1,000 raised by the fire department to their budget so as to help them buy an ATV. Result: Marmie motions to waive two-day reading rule, seconded by Rath. Marmie explains reasoning as money that needs to be appropriated soon. Waived 9-0. Motioned by Marmie, Seconded by Rath, no discussion. Passes 9-0.

b. No. 16-14: allowing Mayor Hall to apply for a Local Government Safety Capital Grant from the Ohio Development Services Agency.

Result: Held for vote on March 7th.

c. No. 16-15: spending money: * Allowing the JAG Grant - which comes from the State - amount of $6582.29 to be allocated towards the Police Department's Overtime budget for use in the downtown area. According to Barbara Gilkes in her testimony before the committee, Police Chief Connell plans to use these funds in our warmer months due to all the activities in the area at the time.

Result: Held for vote on March 7th.

d. No. 16-16: allowing Director Rhodes "to enter into a Master Land Reutilization agreement with the Licking County Land Reutilization Corporation to facilitate the reclamation, reutilization, and rehabilitation of vacant, abandoned, tax-foreclosed real property". Result: Held for vote on March 7th.

e. No. 16-17: with an emergency clause, for the Thomas J. Evans Foundation, grants "a temporary easement at parcel # 054-286500-02.000, located at Evans Boulevard". Result: Rath motions, Seconded by Cost, no discussion. Passes 9-0.

f. No. 16-18: with an emergency clause, permitting Auditor Johnson "to pay bills on behalf of the Fire Department Chief pursuant to section 5705.41 (d)". Result: Marmie motions, Seconded by Floyd, no discussion. Passes 9-0.

g. No. 16-19: with an emergency clause, permitting Auditor Johnson "to pay bills on behalf of the Utilities Superintendent pursuant to section 5705.41 (d)".

Result: Marmie motions, Seconded by Floyd, no discussion. Passes 9-0.

Under the second section for citizens’ comments:

William Butcher stood up again and asked about when the 3rd Street part of the Downtown project would get done. He then provided his expected and cheerful forecast. Asks Jeremy Blake to try and get some festivals going again and then asks the Mayor for an old traffic light.

Under Miscellaneous comments:

From the Administration, no comments.

Law Director Sassen remarked on the polarizing death of Justice Scalia and its timing during the nasty presidential campaign. He noted the friendship between Scalia and Ginsburg and how that should be a model for people of differing opinions to get along. Also remarked on the death of Lester Johnson, who would regularly hold council accountable on its dealings.

Mayor Hall passed.


Bubb passed.

Cost welcomed Floyd back.

Floyd said she was happy to come back.

Fraizer made some comments about a recent committee meeting. Noted that the Land Bank will help “clean up blight” and expressed that he feels it is “excellent”. Welcomes back Floyd.

Marmie calls Finance committee meeting. Expresses thanks to Service Director Rhodes for work on paving. Extends condolences to Lester Johnson’s family and praised his success on a referendum. Welcomes back Floyd.

Hall passed.

Rath welcomes back Floyd, and calls Service committee meeting.

Rolletta passed.

Blake commented on a recent newspaper article pertaining to the Newark Think Tank on Poverty and how our police chief spoke at their recent meeting about helping people climb out of poverty by way of getting the help they need to escape drugs and other like factors.

President Ellington followed the praise on street work and noted the next meetings.

See you all next week. Thanks for reading.

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