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Newark's Current Bond-Related Debts

Our City Auditor is an honest guy. In an effort to be better informed as a citizen and candidate, I asked him for information on our bonded projects. I asked this in part because I am a proponent for using bonds to develop a City Broadband Network which would be repaid via the service fee. Either way, here is the information he provided me (as typed by the Auditor and sent via email):

Here are the outstanding bonds and their remaining balance.

Police and Fire Buildings (West Main). Remaining balance $7,180,000. These are General Obligation and the Bonds (GO). Paid from the Debt Service Fund with the money coming from general city revenue. They will be paid off December 1,2031.

East Main Street Bridge. Remaining balance $300,000. G.O. Bonds. Paid from the Debt Service Fund with the money coming from general city revenue. They will be paid off December 1, 2021.

Downtown Fire Station. Remaining balance $4,840,000. G.O. Bonds. Paid from the Debt Service Fund with the money coming from general city revenue along with EMS billing revenue. They will be paid off December 1,2036.

Various Purpose Bonds (S. Second St Bridge repair, Service Complex repairs, City Building Parking Garage repair Landfill ). G.O. Bonds. Remaining balance $1,505,000. Paid from the Debt Service Fund with the money coming from general city revenue. They will be paid off December 1, 2037.

Various Purpose Bonds ( Landfill 2011,Evans Blvd construction, Police Station additional, Ice Arena).G.O Bonds. Remaining balance $870,000. Paid from Debt Service Fund with the money coming from general city revenue. They will be paid off December 1, 2030.

Longaberger E. Main St. Imp TIF. G.O Bonds, formerly T.I.F. Remaining Balance $1450,000. Paid From Debt Service Fund with money coming from TIF funds and General Fund. They will be paid off December 1, 2028.

Various Purpose Water, Sewer and Storm Water projects. Limited Tax G.O. Remaining balance $3,510,000. Paid from Water, Sewer and Storm Water funds. They will be paid off December 1, 2031.

Deo Drive Construction T.I.F. Remaining Balance $1,180,000. Paid from T.I.F funds and general city revenue. They will be paid off December 1, 2027.

Garfield McKinley Storm Sewer Phase 1&2. Limited Tax G.O. Remaining Balance $1,425,000. Paid from Storm Water funds. They will be paid off December 1,2034.

Garfield McKinley Storm Sewer Phase 3&4. Limited Tax G.O. Remaining Balance $1,030,000. Paid from Storm Water funds. They will be paid off December 1,2030.


Water System Revenue Bonds to be issued for Downtown Sq,. water lines, miscellaneous water plant projects and the proposed Tamarack water project. $16,660,000. To be paid with water revenue.

Horns Hill Sanitary Sewer Special Assessment. Sanitary sewer construction to be paid by special assessments and the general city revenue.

Bond Anticipation Notes (BANS):

Church Street Area. $1,125,000. Sidewalk and curb and miscellaneous repairs. General city revenue repayment.

Various Purpose 30th/Church St intersection upgrade, various sidewalks and lighting. $1,120,000. General city rev

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