Nerk Informer
The week celebrating labor was busy for yours truly, so I accidentally forgot to post the previous round of minutes and agendas. So, on the eve of this next Council meeting (the first half of which I will be absent because of the 2nd Annual Democracy Day am I helping host at the Library downtown) I am sharing this week’s agendas plus the previous two rounds of minutes for August 20th and September 4th.
Note: I may actually reduce the “Informer” updates to once a month going forward both to increase time for campaigning and to make more time for other projects.
Here are this week’s documents:
This Week’s Available Minutes
Full Council (August 20, September 4)
Finance (August 20, September 4)
Capital Improvements (September 4)
Service (August 20, September 4)
School Board (August 13 minutes, and minutes for 24th)
This Week’s Available Agendas
School Board (September 10)
Stay Tuned…