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The Nerk Informer

Last week's Council Meeting

On this meeting, my only problem was with how quickly it seemed that Mr. Fraizer changed his position on the zoning. I'm not opposed to changing positions if it's justified, but I guess I'm a tad disappointed in how swiftly this changed. Yes, he tried to make an appeal for a zoning compromise, but I guess this would have satisfied me had he reached out to the citizens in the community for their take. Why not include all affected parties to reach a suitable compromise? This isn't over yet, as the measure was sent to the planning commission for review, but I think an opportunity may have been missed here.

This week's Committee Agenda: Finance

I plan on attending the school board meeting as well as the meeting for Council. I wonder if the reception I get at the board will be more welcoming than when I attended last month.

One last remark, is on a photo (below) which I took earlier. What you see in the background is a bench here in Downtown Newark with an arm-rest bar in the middle. This is a public bench design which has been growing increasingly popular throughout the country. The purpose of this bar is to make sleeping on the bench near impossible. In other words, this is part of an objective to keep homeless citizens out of sight and out of mind. We are better than this. You can count on me to touch base on this issue more and more as time unfolds.

Until next time...

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