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The Weekly Informer (6/25/16)

On Monday, June 20th, 2016, at 7pm, the following transpired:

Members in attendance: No absences. Approximately 20 citizens attended at its peak during the proclamation by Mayor Hall for the Newark Catholic Baseball Team.

Appointments: John Uible and Steve Gleeson to the Newark City Tax Review Board. Approved by acclamation.

Under the first section for citizens’ comments:

Utility Superintendent Loomis remarked that the front entrance to City Hall will be inaccessible for six months when the next phase of the downtown project gets underway.

On to the legislation:

1) Ordinances (2nd Reading):

a. Ordinance No. 16-16: making further amendments to the vicious dog law.

* Changes classification of dogs which kills other dogs from “dangerous” to “vicious”.

* Changes vicious dog permit requirements from annually without specific deadline to make it annually every January 31st.

Commentary: Surprisingly, there was no discussion on this whatsoever.

Result: Passed unanimously without controversy.

b. None.

Commentary: None

Result: None

2) Ordinances (1st Reading):

a. Ordinance No. 16-17: amending the position classification, pay range and department authorization tables of the Department of Safety, Division of Fire by creating the classification of Deputy Fire Chief, and setting the compensation therefore, and abolishing one Assistant Chief position by attrition.

* The newly created officer would serve as a stand-in for the Chief when he or she is unable. Also, the proposed salary would “split the Chief and Assistant Chief salaries”.

Commentary: None.

Result: Held for a vote in two weeks.

b. Ordinance No. 16-18: “prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation”.

Commentary: None.

Result: Held for a vote in two weeks.

c. Ordinance No. 16-19: “changing the zoning classification of…1621 North 21st Street [from a General Office District to a General Commercial District].”

Commentary: None.

Result: Sent to the planning commission.

d. Ordinance No. 16-20: “changing the zoning classification of…158 Myrtle Avenue [from a Single Family Residence Medium Density District to a General Commercial District].”

Commentary: None.

Result: Sent to the planning commission.

e. Ordinance No. 16-21: “changing the zoning classification of…807 N. 21st Street [from a Single Family Residence Medium Density District to a General Office District].”

Commentary: None.

Result: Sent to the planning commission.

f. Ordinance No. 16-22: “changing the zoning classification of…813 N. 21st Street [from a Single Family Residence Medium Density District to a General Office District].”

Commentary: None.

Result: Sent to the planning commission.

g. Ordinance No. 16-23: “changing the zoning classification of…819 N. 21st Street [from a Single Family Residence Medium Density District to a General Office District].”

Commentary: None.

Result: Sent to the planning commission.

h. Ordinance No. 16-24: “changing the zoning classification of…825 N. 21st Street [from a Limited Office District to a General Office District].”

Commentary: None.

Result: Sent to the planning commission.

i. Ordinance No. 16-25: changing regulations of downtown parking.

* Privately-hired Part Time officer to patrol and enforce parking laws from 8am to 12:30pm.

* Reducing the time limit from 3 to 2 hours.

* Reducing the warnings from 3 to 2.

* $50 ticket.

* Also, desired that city provide a change in parking signs and a handheld device for the officer.

Commentary: None.

Result: Held for a vote in two weeks.

3) Resolutions (2nd Reading): a. Resolution No. 16-51: spending money.

* $500 (flower donation for City Hall beautification).

* $300,000 for Street Maintenance (from the Budget Stabilization then to the General Fund and then to Capital Improvements).

Commentary: None.

Result: Passed unanimously without controversy.


Commentary: None.



Commentary: None.

Result: .

d. .

Commentary: None.

Result: .

4) Resolutions (1st Reading): a. Resolution No. 16-52: With a request to vote without a second reading, spending money.

* $1,000 for General Services, specifically for the Mental Health and Recovery Board incentives.

Commentary: None.

Result: Two day reading rule waived unanimously, and then subsequently passed unanimously without controversy.

b. Resolution No. 16-53: spending money.

* $500 for General Services, specifically for the police division. Money came from a “local financial institution” donation.

* $3,248 for General Services, specifically for the police division. Claim is that this is from “seizure money”.

Commentary: None.

Result: Held for a vote in two weeks.

c. .

Commentary: None.

Result: .


Commentary: None.

Result: .

e. .

Commentary: None.

Result: .

f. .

Commentary: None.

Result: .

g. .

Commentary: None.

Result: .

Under the second section for citizens’ comments:

An Assistant Fire Chief remarked on the recently-purchased fire fighter vehicles that the department brought to City Hall for viewing just outside the building.

Under Miscellaneous comments:

From the Administration,

Law Director: Nothing.

Mayor Hall: Nothing.


No controversial matter was discussed, just the usual talk about events taking place in the city and recognition of significant dates for certain individuals.

What to expect at the next Committee Meeting, when the following committees meet at 5:30pm on :

1) Finance, to consider:

a. Ordinance No. 16-27: with an emergency clause, issuing a bond anticipation note of $1,120,000.00 to “[pay for] the cost of various street and parking lot improvements, sidewalk construction and lighting improvements”.

b. Ordinance No. 16-28: with an emergency clause, issuing a bond of $1,730,000 for “east main street improvement refunding”.

c. Resolution No. 16-54: with a request to waive the two day reading rule, spending money.

d. Resolution No. 16-57: spending money.

2) Safety, to consider:


3) Street, to consider:



4) Rules


5) Service

a. Ordinance No. 16-26: “changing the zoning classification of…965 Mt. Vernon Road from…Single Family Residence Medium Density Zoning District…to…General Business Zoning District”.

b. Resolution No. 16-55: with an emergency clause, allowing Service Director David Rhodes secure an “ODOT winter contract” in order to prepare for salting our roads.


6) Economic Development


7) Capital Improvements


8) Personnel:


9) Ways and Means:

a. The website is having trouble sharing the document containing this meeting’s agenda.

Final Thoughts:

A few things to say about the meeting. I brought my kids with me and we were able to go outside for a few minutes and look at the fire engine that was purchased three months ago. President Ellington had me lead the pledge, I think because he saw me with the kids. Prior to the meeting, I – sitting in the pews – overheard Councilmembers Cost, Blake, and Floyd talking amongst themselves about receiving some negative feedback from some religious organizations about the upcoming vote on banning employment discrimination in regards to sexual orientation.

Then, during legislation, I had to take note of Councilman Marmie remarking that Resolution 16-52 had to be expedited to meet a “deadline”. This is a typical explanation for legislative clauses claiming an “emergency” or requested that the measure be voted on without a second reading. Maybe it’s just me, but I wonder why we keep seeing a frequent need for legislation just a month or two shy of a supposed deadline. Yes, the legislative process is slow, but I am curious as to whether there is a way wherein we can avoid having to circumvent the rules requiring two readings for each piece of legislation. Maybe some “sunlight” can allow we the people to know more about these deadlines and why it is imperative for us cut it so close all the time.

Ultimately, the meeting was adjourned just half an hour after it began.

See you all next week. Thanks for reading.

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